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The Fathom Five National Marine Park

The Fathom Five National Marine Park was named from a verse in The Tempest by William Shakespeare, known as Ariels' song:


"Full fathom five thy father lies

of his bones are coral made

those are pearls that were his eyes

nothing of him that doth fade 

but doth suffer a sea-change

into something rich and strange

Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell


Hark! now I hear them, Ding-Dong Bell"


While floating on the Fathom Five, listen as your captain and guide recounts the tales of lighthouse keepers who watched as fleets floundered across the Fathom Five National Marine Park. Your guide may recall the last log entries of a captain about to abandon ship, as the massive hull below begins to shiver the timbers and give way to slip the ship into the abysmal graveyard of the lonely lakebed.


Many logs are lost, some just scattered entries of vessels from ports of registry. The fewer the facts known, the more room for embellishments of probable cause of those ships lost on Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, leaving room for entertaining tales.

Tobermory Shipwreck Boat Charters
Private Boat Charter Tobermory

Our Story


WetRock Unlimited Inc.

Wetrock: is a name inspired by the shoreline of the Bruce Peninsula National Marine Park and below the horizon of the Fathom Five National Marine Park.

Unlimited: are the possibilities of adventures and inspiration in Tobermory and the surrounding islands.

Inc: well that is just a legal part of the business corporation, although Ink is a favourite medium for the owner and founder Michael Marcotte, who is also a local artist, painting beautiful local scenery and sculpting stone carvings and also does masonry work. Some people say he rocks!


Fathom Five Fishing:

is the name of the tour company, which operates under Wetrock Unlimited Inc.


Michael (Mike) Marcotte, a brief history:

At fifteen he began what would be a seven year career in the culinary craft as a cook, putting himself through high school and later the Ontario College of Art. After a final year of study In Florence Italy, graduating college as an Associate of the Ontario College of Art in 1995, he began Apollo Art Productions in Toronto, 1995.


Mike first came to Tobermory to work as a PADI OWSI scuba instructor for Divers Den. After three years he was awarded the level of PADI IDC Staff Instructor. After several winters abroad in the Caribbean, he settled in Tobermory as a new local, when he bought the beautiful stone house between Foodland and the Royal Bank of Canada, now called Castaways, on Highway 6. Here he opened the Apollo Art Gallery, featuring mostly his own paintings and stone sculptures. A lot of his masonry is still present in the stone patio and beautiful deck work of this house. The Apollo Gallery was later named WetRock Studios. He sold the property in 2020.


After fifteen years as the head instructor at Diver Den, a fine artist in ink, oils and stone sculpture, as well as a contractor in fine finishing, carpentry and masonry, Mike became co-owner of Divers Den in 2014. In 2022 he sold his shares in the dive shop, to begin WetRock Unlimited Inc and follow his passion as a captain with Fathom Five Fishing and Tours.  


As a captain aboard his commercial vessel "Tre Anni", he offers fishing and private tours in the Fathom Five National Marine Park, along the stunning shoreline of the Niagara Escarpment and the Bruce Peninsula National Park. 


Tre Anni

One of the newest commercial vessels in Little Tub Harbour. Tre Anni is a 2022 Gala. She was built in the Ukraine and shipped out at the start of the unjust war.


This RIB (rigid-hull inflatable boat) has a grey hull, helm and PVC tubes, with a black canopy and trim. The boat is powered by a 175 horsepower, four stroke Mercury outboard engine with an onboard trolling feature. The deep V hull and the inflated tubes hold steady as the outboard thrusts through still water or waves. Onboard you will find First Aid and a DAN O2 oxygen kit, brand new safety equipment and electronics, including life-ring with emergency beacon, comfortable self inflating Mustang life jackets, flares, fire extinguishers, two VHF radios plus one hand held radio, search light, radar reflector, Garmin Chart Plotter, Radar, AIS and EPIRB, as mandated by Transport Canada.


For fun and entertainment Tre Anni has two bluetooth speakers, so you can listen to your favourite playlist. The open air comfort on Tre Anni is incomparable. At the stern (the back) of the vessel there is the "living room," where five passengers can comfortably lounge with a table for beverages and snacks. At the bow (the front) there is room for three to watch the waves or stare at the stars. Below a black canopy is the helm where the captain is. The tubes offer comfortable seating for social butterflies.  


Onboard at the stern, there is an electric cooler to keep things cool and fresh. For fishing there are two electric Scotty high performance down-riggers to get the lures to the depth where the fish are. There is a full compliment of rods, with either flat line or spinner reels, nets and fishing tackle. Sharp filet knives are kept handy to clean the catch of the day on a large filet board. 


The Captain


Captain Mike has been a resident of Tobermory for over twenty six years, with 24 of those years in the Tobermory scuba diving industry. He knows the fish by name and he knows where they live. 


Mikes diving knowledge of the profound depths and the shallow shoals are unmatched within the Fathom Five National Marine Park, from Cape Hurd to Cave Point and far off the tip of Cove Island. Mike can judge the winds along the capricious coast at the confluence of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay and alter course to find protection in the lee of some islands to save the guests from the wrath of the sickness of the sea. 


Mike can recount the tales of lighthouse keepers as they watched fleets floundered across the Fathom Five or the ancient legends of lovers lost by tribal wars and the vengeance of Manitou. 


Catch a fish, make a wish, live the dream that dazzles in the depths and dances along the shoreline under the sun or beneath the starlit night. The moon may rise and round her cradle out upside down or she may lay dark in her time of mourning, to maybe allow for the awe of the aurora borealis sometimes seen dancing across the sky over these northern nights. 


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